الأحد 29 ديسمبر 2024

What is the definition of the Internet

موقع أيام نيوز

  The system of capitalism and the growth of transportation and communication systems provided the impetus for the creation of huge communication networks، to enable companies to share information with each other، such as airlines and stock trading companies، as American Airlines and IBM created the Saber online ticketing system based on the Sage system، Which connected two thousand peripheral networks located in the United States to one central computer، also established the automatic pricing system for agencies in the United States of America، a network of stock prices in 1970.

  Research Networks Peripheral networks relied on a hub model by connecting many users to one central computer، and in the period extending from the late sixties to the late seventies، scientists built more complex networks that include multiple computers، and researchers tried new techniques to break down the barriers that prevent data exchange between systems Different computers، which led to a development in the field of networking that allowed the sharing of rare and expensive computers، which in turn increased the possibility of access while reducing costs، the ability to exchange data، the ability to work and communicate between users in different places، in addition to increasing the opportunity to develop theoretical concepts and apply them in practice.

One of the most important primary research networks; The American ARPANET network، the British NBL Mark network، and the French Cyclades network. These networks used a new communication technology called reciprocal packets، where the desired data is divided into small units called packets، which are sent over the network individually، and this allowed to increase the efficiency of links. In addition to the ability to send packets from the same connection to their destination in different ways، this allowed traffic to be distributed between links، and to respond to any breakdown in the network by directing traffic to another location، which provided flexibility، prevented congestion، and increased network reliability.

  The most successful electronic application of research networks was e-mail، which became a standard service in the early 1970s، and gained surprising popularity because it provided an unprecedented opportunity for continuous interaction with remote users، and although the network was not available to the general public، it produced solutions to technical problems The suffix was an important resource that paved the way for future innovation، and the early efforts to build multilateral international networks contributed to global cooperation for the development of the Internet.