الأحد 29 ديسمبر 2024

How to become a successful sales manager

موقع أيام نيوز
  • Studying expectations: It is one of the important roles of a successful sales manager. It relies on studying current economic data and following up on previous sales results. In order to contribute to the development of expected and planned sales in the future.
  • Staying within the annual financial budget: It is one of the roles of the sales manager، and it is concerned with following up on a set of financial expenses related to the activities of the sales department، such as: travel، dining، and other expenses that must be calculated، and often the sales manager is aware of these expenses in advance، and is associated with making special decisions financial budget needs.

  The importance of sales management

  Sales management is one of the important administrative departments in the work environment of commercial companies، and it has obtained its importance based on its role in participating in competition between various companies، relying on applying advanced methods in marketing sales، and distributing them at the lowest costs and highest profits، and the following is a set of points that summarize the importance of managing sales the sales:

  • Providing new and modern products in the market.
  • Supporting the production of existing products.
  • Contribute to reducing the costs of sales.
  • Help support the means used in transferring sales، and enhance communications between the company، whether inside or outside the country in which it is located.
  • Applying the best methods that help in increasing consumer demand for commodities.

Sales management levels

  Sales management in establishments is divided into a group of key administrative roles and levels; Which: